30 December 2008

Some year end views in Brede High Wood

20081229 Brede High Wood 3b Austford Strait north 066

Austford Strait looking north towards the Woodyard.  Recent clearance of the invasive alien rhododendron has created a spacious and attractive entrance to the site.

20081229 Brede High Wood 4a Austford Strait frost 054

Austford Strait looking north from close to the valley bottom.  The frost lies thickly here.

20081229 Brede High Wood 4b ride 025

The ride heading south through Sedlescombe Heath.  Mud and runnels of water thawed by the winter sun.

20081229 Brede High Wood 4d in frost 023

The ride running east along the north side of Sedlescombe Heath

20081229 Brede High Wood 4f frost 032

Icy puddles along the path through Holman Pine.

20081229 Brede High Wood 5a frost 031

Bracken and frosted timber on the south western corner of Moor Wood.